
Susd gifted testing
Susd gifted testing


Bring a copy of birth certificate, proof of residence and check or money order for $120. A non-refundable fee of $120 must be paid to schedule a session. Pre-Kindergarten: one-on-one test determined by age of child when tested.Parents may register their students for testing according to this schedule: Once identified as a gifted learner, further testing is not required unless a specialized program is sought.

susd gifted testing

Students can be assessed once per calendar year on each of the two assessments utilized by the district, the Cognitive Abilities Test and/or the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test. Notification of individual test results will be sent within 30 days of the close of the testing window. Parents will receive notification of specific testing dates for each site prior to the test administration.


Registration fees for Pre-Kergarten are non-refundable. Pre-Kindergarten testing is available for a $120 testing fee.


Gifted Testing is used to identify students whose unique learning profile requires a specialized learning environment to reach their full potential. Testing for Gifted is offered multiple times a year: fall, winter and spring, targeting different groups. Initial research (N = 8,410 grades K-12) of the possible influences of gender, race, ethnicity, and parental education on three tests indicate little to no differences across gender, race, ethnicity and parental education. Initial research has found minimal differences across gender, race/ethnicity, and parental education level. Test items were carefully designed to remove cultural influences, allow students to solve problems regardless of the language they speak, and significantly reduce the amount of formal knowledge required so tests measure how well students 'think', rather than what students 'know'.

  • Naglieri Quantitative (NQ) measures general ability using questions which require a student to closely examine the relationships among the numbers and/or symbols using basic Math concepts.
  • Naglieri Nonverbal (NN) measures general ability by using questions which require a student to carefully examine shapes presented in a matrix where sequences, spatial orientations, and other distinguishing characteristics must be analyzed to solve the questions.
  • Naglieri Verbal (NV) measures general ability using questions which require a child to recognize a verbal concept when that concept is represented by pictures.
  • These tests measure general intellectual ability across verbal (Naglieri & Brulles), nonverbal (Naglieri), and quantitative (Naglieri & Lansdowne) content.

    susd gifted testing

    The Naglieri General Ability Tests are comprised of three brand-new tests developed to help identify gifted students fairly and equitably.

    susd gifted testing

  • MCDPH - Physical Distancing Requirements.
  • Know the Curves - Guide for COVID-19 Testing.
  • AZDE - 2020_06 - Roadmap For Reopening Schools.
  • AASA - Guidelines For Reopening Schools.
  • District Additional Assistance Override.

  • Susd gifted testing